woensdag 31 maart 2021

Happy Easter

 Kaart voor de house Mouse challenge met als thema Pasen. Stempelafdruk ingekleurd met Copics.

6 opmerkingen:

KarinsArtScrap zei

een hele mooie kaart Elizabeth en dank je wel voor het meedoen bij de HM and friends ch
Gr Karin

Enny zei

Oh, wat een schattige Paaskaart, zo'n snoepertjes ! Groetjes, Enny

April zei

This image is so cute! Lovely card and pretty coloring! Thanks for sharing at HMFMC. xx

Lorraine A zei

Super cute card Elizabeth :-) the image is adorable and I love the colours and papers, great layout! :-)

Thanks for joining us on the House Mouse and Friends Monday Challenge
Lols x x x

Sue zei

Such a pretty card, beautifully colored up too. Looks like the Easter bunny was good to these two guys!! Thanks for joining us for the House Mouse and Friends Monday Challenge.


Bunny zei

I've never seen this image. It's so cute and so is your card. Lovely coloring. Thank you for joining us at House Mouse and Friends Monday challenge. {Bunny} Designer for House Mouse and Friends


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